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Lesson 1: Introduction to SIFT
- Fakeout! Test your "fake news" detection skills with this game.
- SIFT Find out what SIFT stands for and how to use it.
- The Miseducation of Dylann Roof How Google search algorithms reinforce your thinking (confirmation bias) by showing results similar to those you have viewed in the past.
Lesson 2: Investigate the Source
- Just Add Wikipedia (or Media/Bias Fact Check) Be a source detective.
- Sifting: Alexa Enabled Toilet? What have you learned so far?
- Sifting: Alexa Enabled Toilet Discussion How did you do?
- Wikipedia When does it make sense to use and how?
- Alligator prompt What do you think? Is this story true?
- Alligator discussion How did you do?
- Volcano plane prompt Is this a reliable source? How do you know?
- Volcano plane discussion How did you do?
Lesson 3: Further Investigation
- MH17 prompt What do you think?
- MH17 discussion Did you choose the least biased source?
- Government Manipulation of Online Media
- Expertise and Reputation
- Warming Claims prompt Is the author an expert?
- Warming Claims discussion How did you do?
- Smoke-Free prompt Who is the organization behind the information?
- Smoke-Free discussion How did you do?
Lesson 4: Find Trusted Coverage
- Quick checks for other reporting: Keanu Reeves
- Using Fact-Checks from News Search: Chick-Fil-A
- SIFTing UN Dance Protesting Nikki Haley prompt
- SIFTing UN Dance Protesting Nikki Haley discussion
- SIFTing ATM Rats prompt
- SIFTing ATM Rats discussion
- How to use Reverse Image Search
- SIFTing John Lennon's Murderer? prompt
- SIFTing John Lennon's Murderer? discussion
Lesson 5: Trace Claims, Quotes, and Media to Their Original Context
- Beer Tax prompt
- Beer Tax discussion
- Biggie and Cobain prompt
- Biggie and Cobain discussion
- Guns in School prompt
- Guns in School discussion
Conclusion to the 5 Lessons